Let me begin by telling you about myself. I am a 59-year-old mother of 3, two daughters and a
son who passed in 2014. Seven days after my son passing began my last relapse.
I first walked thru the doors to Prodigals in October 2021 with about 10 days clean and sober.
I immediately felt safe and secure. To begin meetings in prayer was something different. The
people I interacted with were quick to lend an ear, and pray for me.
I eventually attend Open meetings, 12-step class, Bible Study and Women’s Art Therapy. I then
started counseling.
I celebrated my year clean and sober on 8/2/2022! I celebrated at Prodigals. My understanding
of my diseases along with prayer and scripture has helped me to get where I am today.
I truly believe my journey would have been not only different but harder without Prodigals.
In October of 2021 I experienced the lowest part of my life, my rock bottom. On the outside, I had everything I could have ever wanted; a good career, new home, loving wife, and a
handsome son, with another on the way. I had always worked extremely hard to accomplish my
goals and make my life appear as if nothing was wrong. But on the inside, I was battling.
Battling the stress from the pressure I was putting on myself to appear like I had everything
together. This battle led me to persistent and ever-increasing alcohol consumption. My story with alcohol begins like many others in my teenage years. In high school I was always a part of the popular kids, in part to my brother being a senior when I was just a freshman. I had always hung out with older people because of this and so I was easily influenced into consuming beer at parties. My alcohol consumption grew as I did and by the time, I was in college I switched from drinking beer to primarily liquor. Occasional partying in high school turned into every weekend partying in college. Eventually, by the time I was set to graduate college I was drinking alcohol almost daily. Fast forward to 2021. I could not go a day without thinking about and lying about my alcohol consumption. I made excuses to go to stores so I
could buy alcohol. I hid bottles of liquor throughout my house. I could not go a day without
fighting the urge to drink, with many days the urge winning. Alcohol was taking over my life,
my choices, and most importantly my relationship with my wife and child (soon to be children).
I then made a choice. A choice to get help. I tried dozens of resources through my health
benefits at work, but I could not find anywhere that was taking on new patients for alcohol
addiction. Then I was contacted by a facility in Turlock that said they could not help me, but they
knew of a place that could. That place was Prodigal’s. It was set. I made plans to attend my first open meeting at Prodigal’s on a Tuesday
evening in early October. I was nervous. Was this the right choice? Was I going to get anything
out of it? Did I need to go talk to someone or could I handle my alcohol addiction myself for the
millionth time? During my drive to Prodigal’s that evening I fought with myself the entire way.
Looking for excuses not to go. Searching for answers. Making myself false promises like all
those other times. Finally, I was there, sitting in my truck in the Prodigal’s parking lot still unsure of what was to come. I mustered up enough courage to step outside of my truck. My mind telling me to
get back in, everything will solve itself. But my body, as if not under my control, began walking
toward the side door. I was greeted with smiles and welcomes. I was emotional. I was finally
making a change. I was finally letting down my tough exterior and admitting to my problem. I
was finally asking for help. For the next 10 months I attended dozens of open meetings every week. I also did weekly one-on-one sessions. Each time nervous, but hopeful. Grateful. Without Prodigal Sons and Daughters, I do not know where I would be in my addiction to alcohol. I truly do not think I
would be where I am. Since beginning my journey with Prodigal’s I have made huge changes in
my life. A new job, another child, start-up business, and most importantly almost 11 months of
sobriety. I have seen nothing but positive advancement in my life since making the choice to step through that door in early October of 2021. I am beyond grateful for Prodigal’s, their staff, and
the people who help keep their doors open. I am a huge proponent of people seeking help and
especially from Prodigal’s. Thank you for changing my life!
About 8 months ago, I found myself searching for some much needed help and support for our family. I had a daughter that had been out of our home away at a program for behavioral problems. Although her story is long and complicated -she would soon be coming home… to me and her younger brother. He struggles with some of the same things, but also was diagnosed with Autism too. A couple of months before coming home, she asked if I could find some type of a support system to help us with our transition back to being a family.
Being new to the neighborhood, I couldn’t help but notice this building with loud and clear lettering,
Prodigal Sons & Daughters! This had to be a God thing. I waited until the next morning to able to call
them. A very sweet lady (Sarah) answered the phone and listened to my needs. She shared some services that are offered there. Services that would prove to help our whole family. My daughter’s receiving counseling, my son now has a mentor, who is helping him out of his shell and he is so much happier. He is always excited about going to our weekly meetings. I am so grateful.
I found myself welcomed in by the adult counselor (Christy) and can’t say enough about how it has
changed my life too. I now have some friends and a place I can give back to as well.
We may be a work in progress but we are all happier and healthier because of it. There is such an obvious, overwhelming love felt there.